Pre-Treatment Program
Pre-Treatment Program
Wastewater Source Control Program
EMWD’s wastewater Source Control Program is a pollution control program federally mandated under the Clean Water Act to regulate the discharges of industrial and commercial facilities to the sanitary sewer system. The goals of the program are to:
- Reduce the health and environmental risk of pollution caused by wastewater discharges to wastewater treatment plants
- Prevent the introduction of pollutants into those plants that will pass through the treatment works and be incompatible with the environment
- Prevent the introduction of pollutants into wastewater treatment plants that will interfere with treatment operations
- Improve the feasibility of recycling and reclaiming the municipal and industrial wastewaters and biosolids
- Enforce applicable EPA wastewater quality standards
The EPA has developed federal wastewater discharge limits for specific categorical processes. EMWD has also developed local limitations that generally apply to specific industrial processes. EMWD issues industrial wastewater discharge permits to the following classes of industrial users:
- Categorical Industrial Users (CIUs) – operating federally regulated processes subject to categorical pretreatment standards under Title 40 the Code of Federal regulations
- Significant Industrial Users (SIUs) – operating larger facilities which, among other things, discharge more than 25,000 gallons per day of process wastewater to the sewer
- Industrial Users (IU) – facilities which have the potential to adversely impact wastewater treatment facilities
For more information, contact:
Source Control Department
(951) 928-3777 ext. 6216
Wastewater Control Ordinance / Discharge Limits
EMWD’s Wastewater Control Ordinance regulates wastewater discharges into our wastewater system and includes discharge limits (local limits) for select pollutants. The Wastewater Control Ordinance provides legal authority to implement the pretreatment program. The ordinance establishes regulations and charges for the collection, treatment and disposal of wastewater, as well as penalties for violations.