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Purchasing Guidelines

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Purchasing Guidelines

The Purchasing Division is responsible for the acquisition of materials, supplies, equipment and services in support of District activities. Purchasing follows the administrative policies and procedures adopted by the Board of Directors of Eastern Municipal Water District. Policy guidelines are summarized below for your information and assistance.

ETHICAL PROCUREMENT PRACTICES:  It is the policy of the District to maintain good working relationships with its vendors and suppliers, as well as the community at large.  Every employee has the ability to influence the opinions of others through daily interaction with the business community. In personal contacts with vendors and suppliers, employees shall represent the best interests of the District by conducting business in a fair, equitable, and ethical manner. Click here to review the full Ethical Procurement Practices policy.

Authorized Purchases: A purchase order issued by the Purchasing Division is the authorization for a vendor to accept an order and deliver the requested goods and/or services. Vendors providing sales to the District should ensure they are issued an approved purchase order before proceeding to meet the requested needs. Responding to such requests without an authorized purchase order is done at the vendor’s own risk.

Competition: Purchases or contracts for materials, supplies, equipment and services will be based, whenever possible and practicable, on competitive solicitation within approved guidelines.

Gifts and Gratuities: Gifts and/or other symbols of appreciation may compromise the integrity of professional relationships and violates District policy. Suppliers are encouraged to cooperate by not making such offers to employees.

Disposition of Surplus Property: The disposition of surplus supplies, materials, and equipment which are deemed excess to District needs or have become unsuitable for use is the responsibility of the Purchasing and Contracts Department.

In accordance with EMWD policy, surplus property may be disposed of utilizing the following methods: exchange or trade for new goods; disposition at auction or by competitive procedures; negotiation; or eliminated as scrap.

Insurance and Safety Requirements: The District’s Risk Management Division is responsible for determining the minimum safety and insurance requirements for work performed by outside forces. The determination is based on job specific risk factors and potential liability exposure. Contractors, having one or more employees, are required to submit an Injury and Illness Prevention Program (Refer to OSHA, Title 8, sub 7, 3203) to EMWD addressing safety issues for all aspects of their work.

Vendor Payments: Vendor invoices will be processed by EMWD for payment after proof of delivery and in accordance with the terms set forth in the purchase order.