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EMWD Celebrates Water Awareness Month

EMWD Celebrates Water Awareness Month

April 30, 2023

Man changing out to water use efficiency drip watering system

Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) is celebrating Water Awareness Month throughout the month of May with its commitment to bring customers cost-effective water supplies while promoting sustainability.

For more than seven decades, EMWD has been steadfast in its commitment to managing our region’s water supply resources with a focus on efficiency.

EMWD customers have done that as evidenced through their 42-percent reduction in per-capita usage over the past two decades. As California continues to face long-term water supply challenges that are driven by climate variations, it has never been more important to embrace a culture of water use efficiency.

EMWD continues to provide customer-focused resources through its Landscapes for Living program that are designed to simplify the process to use water wisely. This includes free weather-based irrigation controllers, sample landscape plans, and other resources designed to help customers save water and money.

EMWD customers have also removed millions of square feet of nonfunctional turf in favor of climate-appropriate landscaping.

As California continues to see improved water supply conditions after a record-breaking snowpack this winter, EMWD is confident that its customers will continue to embrace a culture of water use efficiency – both throughout Water Awareness Month and all year long.

“EMWD customers have truly been leaders in using water efficiently, and we are incredibly proud of those efforts,” EMWD Board President Phil Paule said. “While we are thankful that our water supplies have improved, we know that using water wisely is a way of life and one that our customers continue to embrace.”

Eastern Municipal Water District is the water, wastewater service and recycled water provider to nearly one million people living and working within a 558-square mile service area in western Riverside County. It is California’s sixth-largest retail water agency, and its mission is “To deliver value to our diverse customers and the communities we serve by providing safe, reliable, economical and environmentally sustainable water, wastewater and recycled water services.” More information can be found at

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