Commercial Project Requirements
Applying for new service when the property/new development fronts existing facilities.
Information is provided to assist you in acquiring domestic water and/or sewer service connections from existing EMWD facilities for your commercial/industrial project. Please note that this does not include the time frame involved and additional conditions of approval for projects requiring construction of facilities before service connections.
Lead Times
Charges, Deposits and Sample Calculations
- Water Financial Participation Charges
- Sewer Financial Participation Charges
- Other Charges
Special Requirements
Properties that are outside the EMWD service area boundaries that desire service from EMWD must apply for annexation. Contracts Department review and approval by the EMWD Board of Directors must be obtained before filing with the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) can be started.
Resolutions and other proceedings follow approval.
Backflow Devices
All commercial domestic and landscape water meters will require installation of an EMWD-approved reduced pressure backflow prevention assembly, which is to be installed by the applicant and is subject to testing and inspection by the EMWD Backflow department.
Pre-Construction Meeting
Any water service connections or sewer lateral connections to existing facilities, which are installed by applicant/applicant’s contractor (must meet licensing requirements), will require a pre-construction meeting prior to any work being performed with follow up site inspections.
Pre-construction meetings are to be scheduled through the EMWD Field Services department with proceeding inspections to be scheduled and performed by EMWD’s Inspections department.
Request for Private Water/Sewer Onsite Systems
Such requests will require special conditions of approval from EMWD. A “Hold Harmless Agreement” will also be required to be executed by the landowner in the presence of a notary public.