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Delta Conveyance Project

Metropolitan board approves $142 million in additional funding for remaining planning of Delta Conveyance Project

Metropolitan In The News


What’s the Delta Conveyance?

Delta conveyance refers to State Water Project (SWP) infrastructure in the vast network of waterways comprising the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta (Delta) that collects and moves fresh water to homes, farms and businesses throughout major regions of the state from the Bay Area to southern California. The Department of Water Resources (DWR) is the owner and operator of the SWP and is responsible for all associated upgrades and maintenance, including the proposed Delta Conveyance Project that will modernize SWP conveyance.

Why is it needed?

Although EMWD has a diverse water supply portfolio and unprecedented levels of water use efficiency, the climate, local recycling projects and population will always require imported water. In terms of imported water, SWP provides not only an essential water supply, but also essential water quality benefits to EMWD’s service area.

Because the SWP relies on the Delta’s natural channels to convey water, it is vulnerable to earthquake and sea level rise. As sea levels continue to rise, the Delta will be faced with increasing saltwater intrusion, which threatens fresh water supplies flowing through the Delta.

These are real, serious threats to California’s primary water supply.  In order to protect public health and safety, action must be taken now to upgrade Delta infrastructure, recognizing that this process will take years to complete improvements.

The Project would add new diversions in the north Delta to promote a more resilient and flexible SWP in the face of unstable future conditions.

Get More Information

MWD Delta Conveyance Fact Sheet