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California’s Water Supply Conditions

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California’s Water Supply Conditions

California Department of Water Resources staff conduct snow survey
California Department of Water Resources staff conduct snow survey

EMWD Has You Covered 

With California continually facing extreme weather conditions that result in either prolonged dry conditions or periods of significant rainfall, EMWD has you covered with the latest on the statewide and local water supply conditions and regulations.

In the spring of 2023, record-setting rain and snow helped reverse a years-long drought. As a result of dramatically improved water supply conditions, EMWD in April 2023 moved into Stage 1 of its Water Shortage Contingency Plan.  In Stage 1, EMWD’s permanent water use efficiency regulations remain in place and customers will be asked for a voluntary 10 percent reduction in water use. 

We still strongly encourage customers to be efficient and to use water wisely — as we know conditions can change quickly. Doing things like replacing your thirsty grass with climate-appropriate landscaping can help ensure you are doing your part to be efficient at your home.

Water Supply Information and Water Wise Toolkit Packet

EMWD encourages customers to visit to learn more about where we stand with our water supplies and what EMWD is asking of its customers.

EMWD encourages Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional (CII) business customers to visit to learn more about the State Ban on Nonfunctional Turf Irrigation compliance. 


EMWD wants to help you be water wise for life.

EMWD and The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California offer a wide variety of rebate programs to help you reduce your water use. As California continues to face extreme weather conditions, EMWD appreciates your partnership in helping to use our state’s water supplies wisely.

Rebate programs are available to help remove the grass at your home and replace it with climate-appropriate landscaping, upgrade your irrigation controller to one that automatically adjusts based on weather patterns, and also upgrade irrigation systems with deep watering stakes, drip systems, and modernized sprinkler nozzles.

For more information on the rebate programs, please visit or

Water Saving Programs and Water Use Efficiency

EMWD Stay WaterWise 

Programs and Rebates

Landscape Toolbox

Landscapes for Living Program 

Water Use Efficiency Requirements 

Knowing Your Water Budget is Key

Just like with your household finances, knowing your water budget is key to staying under it.

That is why EMWD’s MyAccount portal provides a water budget estimator each month. By helping you project what your water budget will be, we are able to help you remain within it — which saves water and money.

And if your household size or landscaped area has changed, updating your account information will help your budget provide you with the right amount of water for your current needs.

Be sure to visit and to learn more. You can also watch a short video that explains Budget Based Rates at

Simple ways to use water wisely. 

Smart irrigation and landscaping strategies

Reduce or remove grass and replace it with water-wise landscaping that uses up to 50 percent less water! If you require a functional play area, consider a more drought tolerant variety of grass such as St. Augustine or Hybrid Bermuda, or a ground cover such as Phyla Nodiflora (also known as Lippia).

  • Watch the video: Savvy’s Guide to Saving Water Outdoors
  • Check your irrigation system frequently and adjust sprinklers for overspray and runoff.
    Minimize evaporation by watering between 9:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
  • Use a layer of organic mulch around plants to reduce evaporation and save hundreds of gallons of water a year. 
  • Install weather-based irrigation controllers to automatically adjust irrigation schedules based on changing weather conditions.
  • Divide your watering cycle into shorter periods to eliminate runoff.
  • Direct rain gutter spouts and other runoff towards shrubs and trees, or collect and use the water for your garden. 
  • Use drip irrigation for shrubs and trees to apply water directly to the roots, where it’s needed.
  • Install a rain shut-off device on your automatic sprinklers to eliminate unnecessary watering.
    Use a broom instead of a hose to clean your driveway or sidewalk.
  • Don’t water on windy days. After all, sidewalks and driveways don’t need water.
    Water your plants deeply but less frequently to create healthier and stronger landscapes.
  • Fertilizers increase water consumption. Apply the minimum amount of fertilizer needed.
  • Remember to weed your lawn and garden regularly. Weeds compete with other plants for nutrients, light and water.
  • Use a screwdriver as a soil probe to test soil moisture. If the soil is moist, you probably do not need water.
  • Integrate rocks, bricks, gravel, and decks into your landscaping.
  • Landscapes for Living Program
  • Inland Empire Landscape Guidebook
  • Wash the car with a bucket instead of the hose.
  • Use a broom or blower instead of water to clean your sidewalks and driveways.
  • Cover your spa or swimming pool.
In the bathroom 
  • Take five-minute or less showers and draw less water for baths.
  • Turn off the water while brushing your teeth or shaving.
  • Check for and fix “silent” leaks in toilets or plumbing fixtures.
In the kitchen or laundry
  • Only wash laundry with full loads.
  • Use a bowl or fill up the sink to clean vegetables.
  • Use your garbage disposal sparingly.
  • Don’t thaw food with hot water; instead use a microwave.
  • If you pre-clean dishes, fill the sink up instead of running the water.
  • Keep a gallon of cold water in the refrigerator rather than running the tap for cold water.
  • Consider installing an instant water heater on your sinks far from the main water heater.
  • Insulate your pipes to save heating costs.
  • Support local businesses that practice conservation. For example, commercial car washes that recycle their water, businesses that use recycled water in fountains, restaurants that serve water only on request, and hotels that give you the option of using your linens for a second night’s stay. 
  • Ask your teachers or school administrators to teach water conservation, visit our education site to learn more at
  • Watch for and report broken, poorly timed or misaligned sprinklers around the city or along the highway.

For additional water conservation tips and information, visit