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What We Do
Urban Water Management Plan

What We Do

Urban Water Management Plan

EMWD is located in one of the fastest growing regions in the nation, and with a growing population comes a growing demand for water. EMWD has a mission to provide safe and reliable fresh water, wastewater management services and recycled water to our community in an economic, efficient, and responsible manner, now and in the future.

To meet the needs of the growing population, EMWD has developed a plan to supply water using imported water, local groundwater and recycled water. In addition to supplying more water, EMWD encourages efficient water use through rebates for water saving devices, water efficient requirements for new development, a water budget based tiered rate structure, education and other conservation practices.

EMWD’s 2020 Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) is an update to the 2015 UWMP and was prepared in response to Water Code Sections 10610 through 10656 of the Urban Water Management Planning Act. Included in the plan is detailed information about EMWD’s water demand, supply and reliability for the next 25 years.

2020 Urban Water Management Plan

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This Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) presents a discussion of how Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) manages its water supplies to meet customer demands.

EMWD is required to prepare an UWMP and submit it to the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) every five years. DWR prepares guidance materials for water suppliers to help them prepare UWMPs that meet requirements of the California Water Code (CWC). EMWD has used these guidance materials to prepare its 2020 UWMP.

The 2020 UWMP was completed prior to the reorganization of Fallbrook Public Utility District (FPUD) into EMWD’s service area. FPUD will be included in EMWD’s 2025 UWMP update.