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Moreno Valley Projects

Well 65 - Rendering

Perris North Groundwater Program 

The Program is a long-term solution to improve groundwater quality in the Perris North Groundwater Basin, located in the Moreno Valley area. The program will not only address groundwater contamination, but it will also continue to provide a safe and reliable water supply for surrounding communities.

EMWD received a grant from the State Water Resources Control Board to fund approximately half of the project costs for its Perris North Groundwater Program. That grant is funded by the voter approved Proposition 1 Water Bond of 2014.

Project Updates Available Soon


Perris Boulevard Pipeline Project 

Project Description:  The project will install approximately 6,700 feet of 18-inch diameter pipeline in the City of Moreno Valley.

Project Location:  The pipeline route is planned to move south on Perris Boulevard beginning at EMWD’s water storage tank located south of Heacock Street to Robin Lane, in northern Moreno Valley.  The alignment will also cover a portion of Old Perris Boulevard/Pico Vista Way.

Project Updates Available Soon


Kitching St and Iris Ave Sewer Pipeline Replacement Project 

Project Description:  The project consists of replacing an existing sewer pipeline that is nearing the end of its useable life by installing approximately 3,500 feet of 24-inch pipe primarily along Kitching Street in Moreno Valley.

Project Location:  The project alignment stretches along Kitching Street from Gentian Avenue to Iris Avenue and along Iris Avenue from Kitching Street to La Fortuna Lane.

New Project Updates Available Soon