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FREE Deep Drip Watering Stakes

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FREE Deep Drip Watering Stakes

Planting stakes placed at the dripline canopy.

Deep Drip Watering Stakes are designed to help maintain beautiful trees by watering them directly at the root zone. Constructed of sturdy, but eco-friendly ABS plastic, Deep Drip Watering Stakes are made to last 15+ years.

EMWD will supply two 24” Deep Drip Watering Stakes per EMWD account to be used on one tree. You may pick up your FREE Deep Drip Watering Stakes at EMWD’s Main Office located at 2270 Trumble Road in Perris, California.

Business hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Excluding Holidays)

Important Program Information

Shipping not available. Only two Deep Drip Watering Stakes per EMWD account. Additional stakes can be purchased from your local home improvement store or online. Warranty and installation instructions can also be found online, or by calling 866-469-4330.

Anatomy of a dripline stake from the slotted cap to the ABS tip.