EMWD to Host Free Purified Water Replenishment Open House Event
September 21, 2022

EMWD Purified Water Replenishment Open House Flyer
Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) is inviting its customers to a free Open House event on October 15, 2022, where customers can come learn about EMWD’s planned Purified Water Replenishment (PWR) program.
The event will run from 9 a.m. until 12 p.m. at EMWD’s main office, located at 2270 Trumble Road, Perris, CA.
EMWD’s PWR program will further clean its recycled water supplies and then use the advanced treated water to refill local groundwater basins, where the water will eventually be used for drinking water purposes. This safe and reliable technology will further prepare EMWD to meet the needs of its customers, including during future droughts, and improve water quality within the basin.
During the event, guests will learn about PWR, conservation programs and rebates, as well as EMWD’s services. There will also be fun activities for children and the opportunity to tour EMWD’s water wise demonstration garden. Raffle prizes and other items will be given away throughout the event.
“We invite all our customers to come learn about how EMWD is preparing for the future through our Purified Water Replenishment program,” EMWD Board President Phil Paule said. “We look forward to helping to educate our customers about their water supply future through this fun and interactive event and encourage everyone to join us on October 15.”
For more information, please visit www.emwd.org/openhouse.
Eastern Municipal Water District is the water, wastewater service and recycled water provider to nearly one million people living and working within a 558-square mile service area in western Riverside County. It is California’s sixth-largest retail water agency, and its mission is “To deliver value to our diverse customers and the communities we serve by providing safe, reliable, economical and environmentally sustainable water, wastewater and recycled water services.”
More information can be found at www.emwd.org.