Poster Contest
Each year, EMWD sponsors a poster contest for students in grades TK-8. The winning students, as well as their teachers, are honored at an awards ceremonies hosted by EMWD. Of the winning posters, the top five are submitted to The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) for consideration for a possible spot on the Being Water Wise Is… calendar.
For more information, please contact EMWD’s Education team at 951-928-3777, ext. 4350 or email the Education team.
2024-25 Poster Contest Theme: “Being Water Wise Is…”
Review 100+ Ways to Conserve Water!
Contest Guidelines
Open to Grades TK-8
Students must use official poster paper.
All artwork must be original artwork. NO computer, trademark or copyrighted artwork will be accepted.
Posters duplicating the artwork of past winners will be disqualified.
Submitting more than one entry per class will disqualify all entries from that teacher.
At least one winner will be selected per school district.
Encourage students to focus on water conservation. For example, use water wise landscape (bees love it!) or, when brushing their teeth, students should turn the water off instead of leaving it on. Please review 100+ Ways to Conserve Water.
Posters must be drawn horizontally within the border of the official poster paper.
For design purposes, any writing or artwork in the 1” border area disqualifies the poster.
Students should use BOLD, BRIGHT and BRILLIANT colors using colored pencils, markers, paint, ink, fabric, cut paper, pencil and/or watercolors. Crayons are not recommended. If students elect to use crayons, we request that they select dark colors as the lighter colors do not show up well for reproduction purposes.
A short message about water MUST be written on the poster within the border. Be concise, fewer words are better than more.
Artwork becomes the property of EMWD and may not be returned.
Select ONE winning poster from your class and submit to your school front office before the deadline.
EMWD will pick up winning posters from school front office.
Winners will be notified and more details will be provided at that time.
Order Official Poster Paper
Email your request for official poster paper to EMWD’s Education team. Please include the following information:
- School Name
- Teacher Name
- Grade Level
- Quantity of Sheets
Judging Criteria
Theme – expression
Artistic execution