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Educator Resources

As part of its Education Program, EMWD provides in-service training to teachers at more than 125 schools throughout its service area.

See if your school is within EMWD’s service area.

Water education materials are comprehensive and complex, and it is important that teachers be given an opportunity to explore the full depth and scope of the materials. Therefore, EMWD recommends that teachers receive in-service training in the use of certain water education materials.

EMWD ensures that materials meet the requirements listed in the California State Frameworks for Science and History/Social Science, and that they cover general concepts appropriate for each grade level.


General Concepts by Grade Level

Below are the recommended concepts for each grade level:


Grades K – 3Educational materials emphasize the water cycle and home water saving activities.
Grades 4 – 6Continue reinforcement of the water cycle. Introduce concepts of conservation and water delivery systems.
Grades 7 – 9Introduce the responsibility of local water agencies, government and role of special interest groups. Begin thinking of the legal and social aspects of the supply/demand imbalance. Expand activities as needed.
Grades 10 – 12Apply more advanced activities in the areas of science, social studies and economics.

EMWD provides a variety of educational materials, free-of-charge, to teachers in more than 125 schools throughout it’s service area. You can download the complete curriculum packages for “Gobi’s Adventure” and “Otis the Turtle”.

Gobi's Adventure Curriculum Package 


Otis The Turtle Curriculum Package 

Class Activities