Infrastructure Availability Charge/Assessment
Formerly referred to as EMWD Standby Charge/Infrastructure Assessment
An EMWD Infrastructure Availability Charge/Assessment – formerly referred to as “EMWD STDBY-COMBINED CHARGE” on property tax bills – is assessed annually for the purpose of collecting revenue to fund shared costs for necessary infrastructure and infrastructure maintenance.
Infrastructure Availability Charge: | 951-928-3777, ext 4429
How long will the EMWD Infrastructure Availability Charge/Assessment remain on tax bills?
The assessment for necessary infrastructure and infrastructure maintenance remains indefinitely on a property’s tax bill to equitably distribute the cost of EMWD facilities in relation to benefits received by property owners. This ensures that adequate water and/or sewer service will always be available for parcels when needed. Agencies across the state of California who provide water and/or sewer services utilize the Uniform Standby Charge Procedures Act to levy an infrastructure availability charge in connection with the provision of that service, or future potential service.
Who is charged an Infrastructure Availability Charge/Assessment?
All properties that have been annexed into or become a part of EMWD’s service area are subject to assessments for necessary infrastructure and infrastructure maintenance because there is an implied benefit of having the opportunity to establish water and/or sewer services immediately, or at a later date, which increases the property value. All property owners benefit from water and/or wastewater service availability, regardless of whether they are already connected to the system or not, because all properties within EMWD’s service area are considered more valuable by having facilities connected or available to connect versus not having them available at all.
What are Infrastructure Availability Charges/Assessments used for?
EMWD uses the funds to construct, expand, or improve infrastructure within EMWD’s Capital Improvement Project plan and for maintenance of water and sewer facilities within its service area boundaries. The purpose of the assessment is to equitably share the cost of having water and/or sewer available to all properties within EMWD’s service area boundaries.
How are Infrastructure Availability Charges/Assessments calculated?
Charges are based on a property’s determined benefit zone relative to existing facilities which means that properties closest to EMWD facilities pay proportionately more than properties located farther away from EMWD facilities. Benefit zones are adjusted based on facility availability.
How often is the Infrastructure Availability Charges/Assessments applied?
EMWD conducts an annual assessment process to update applicable charges to be placed on property tax bills on all properties within its service area boundaries. A public hearing is held in July at the Board of Directors meeting.
When did EMWD begin to implement Infrastructure Availability Charges/Assessments?
EMWD’s Board of Directors approved the program for water service availability in 1966. EMWD’s wastewater/sewer service availability program began in 1968.
What is the “MWD STANDBY EAST” charge?
These assessments were initiated by The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) in 1995. The MWD Standby East charges are collected on property tax bills by MWD, not EMWD. These charges fund MWD’s infrastructure which provide a benefit to the property.