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Who We Are

Youth Ecology Corps

Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD), in partnership with the Riverside County Workforce Development Board and the California Family Life Center, offers young adults (18-24 years) the opportunity to tap into water industry jobs with its Youth Ecology Corps (YEC) workforce development program. This program provides short-term job opportunities to area youth who are interested in exploring careers in the water industry and related fields.

About the Program

Throughout the 12-week program, associates will perform a wide variety of routine and challenging tasks in support of their assigned workgroup while also attending EMWD’s on-site professional development workshops to gain insights into EMWD and the water industry as a whole. Participants will tour EMWD’s vast array of facilities for an up-close view of the complexities of our vital community infrastructure, including our water filtration plants, water reclamation facilities, and water desalination complex. Professional development workshops include: enhancing resume and cover letter writing skills; practicing networking and public speaking; learning business ethics; and taking part in EMWD’s Cal/VPP STAR Certified Safety Program.

English - Youth Ecology Corps Flyer

Job Opportunities

EMWD places participants in positions across the organization based on current department needs and youth interests. Typical placements include office associates in Engineering; Energy Management; Development Services; Engineering Services; Education; Public and Governmental Affairs; and Records Management

Quick Facts

  • Eligible Ages: 18-24 years
  • Pay: Current minimum wage
    • $16.50
  • Hours: 20 hours per week
  • Term: 12 weeks
  • Maximum: 240 hours
  • Limit: Up to 3 terms
  • Personal Protective Equipment: As needed, to ensure safety

Application Process

We understand that finding the perfect career can be both exciting and overwhelming. With many different paths to choose from and education, training, and certification requirements that vary by region, it’s hard to know where to start. Youth Ecology Corps is here to help! If you are looking for an opportunity to test the waters, learn new skills, and challenge yourself all while growing your resume, then we invite you to apply today by calling the California Family Life Center at 951.765.9671.


Associates in the Youth Ecology Corps program must be between the ages of 18 – 24 years old. Applicants must be referred to the program by the California Family Life Center. Applicants must be interviewed and accepted into the program by EMWD. After completing the interview process, candidates must pass a background screening and drug/alcohol test. Once accepted into the program, associates must adhere to specific job requirements related to working schedule, location, transportation, and dress code. On the first paid workday of the program, associates must complete EMWD’s Cal/VPP STAR Certified Safety Training.

Contact the youth opportunity center for more information:

California Family Life Center
930 N. State Street
Hemet, CA 92543