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North Perris Sewer Project - G Street

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North Perris Sewer Project - G Street

G Street Sewer Project Information

G Street Sewer Pipeline Alignment

OVERVIEW: Starting in December 2024, Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) will begin work on its North Perris Regional Sewer project, including work on G Street in downtown Perris.

The project will install approximately 3,800 feet of 18-inch pipeline starting near Commercial Street and ending at 2nd Street. The new sewer will replace an existing 12-inch sewer line to increase capacity.

This project is funded in part by the American Rescue Plan Act, courtesy of the County of Riverside. The project is part of the consolidation of the City of Perris water and sewer systems to EMWD.

WORKING HOURS: Work between Commercial Street and 4th Street will take place on weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Work between 4th Street and 2nd Street will take place at night.

TRAFFIC IMPACTS: Traffic flaggers will reduce traffic to one direction at a time during work on G Street. This will be done only in areas where construction is actively taking place.

During work at the intersection of 4th Street and G Street, the intersection will be closed at night, and detours will be in place. This section of work is anticipated to be done in the spring of 2025, and EMWD will notify the community prior to this work taking place.

Access to homes and business will be maintained throughout construction. EMWD asks motorists to be alert and adhere to all temporary traffic control measures to ensure the safety of the community, motorists, and our work crews.

PROJECT TIMELINE: Work is scheduled to begin in December 2024 and is expected to be completed by the summer of 2025.

G Street Sewer Fact Sheet